Want to know what to expect for crew launch on May 28th to ISS?

(Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls)

On May 28th (May 29th Kazakhstan time), Expedition 40/41 will blast off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on a 6 hour journey to the International Space Station. If you’ve never watched a launch before, then keep reading.

Hitching a ride into space will be Soyuz Commander Maxim Suraev, of the Russian Federal Space Agency along with Flight Engineer Alexander Gerst, of the ESA, and Flight Engineer Reid Wiseman of NASA. To read more about them, click here.

NASA TV will broadcast extensive coverage of their launch.

But if you’ve never seen a launch before and don’t know what to expect, this video from Expedition 33 is a brilliant example.

This video includes footage from inside and outside the craft during takeoff.

If you keep watching, you can tell when the craft has left the pull of the Earth’s gravity as a small toy attached to the inside of the Soyuz begins to float. Keep an eye out for that moment as that indicates the craft has reached space.

For more information on the details of a crew launch, watch this helpful video from the European Space Agency.

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