The nebula discovered by Twitter

(Photo Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Spitzer telescope/Kevin Gill)

The operators of the Spitzer Space Telescope recently invited people from around the world to explore a gigantic mosaic image of the Milky Way. Announced through Twitter, the team asked people to capture and name their own NASA Spitzer space image.

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Rocky mega-Earth discovered 560 light years away

(Illustration of Kepler 10c and its star by David A. Aguilar, CFA)

Astronomers have discovered a “mega-Earth” which has a mass some 17 times the weight of our own planet.

Called “the Godzilla of Earths” by Professor Dimitar Sasselov, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, the planet’s real name is Kepler-10c.  Continue reading

Image of the Day: 4/6/14

(Photo Credit: Steve Swanson/NASA)

This gorgeous picture was taken from the International Space Station.

NASA astronaut and Expedition 40 Commander Steve Swanson captured the image : ‘The moon, now that would be a fun place to go’

The silver moon, and the gorgeous blue hue of Earth’s atmosphere are visible against the dark night sky.

If you want more pictures like this, check out NASA’s instagram page!

NASA and Virgin Galactic confirm payloads and experiments to be taken on board commercial suborbital flights

(Photo Credit: Mars Scientific/Clay Center Observatory)

Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo have announced they will host an array of payloads on the company’s first NASA-chartered research flight, including 12 technology experiments designed by American Universities, Private Companies, and Federal Labs. Continue reading