Image of the Day: 8/6/14

(Photo Credit: NASA/JPL/MSSS/Marco Di Lorenzo/Ken Kremer)

NASA’s Mars rover, Curiosity, has captured this amazing new panoramic image of Mount Sharp and its sand dunes.

Captured on June 6, 2014 (Mars Day: Sol 651) the photograph was cleverly assembled from Mastcam color camera raw images and stitched together to form this beautiful panorama.

Mount Sharp is located inside the Gale Crater, which Curiosity is currently exploring. She will eventually ascend the mountain later this year.

The rover’s wheel tracks are even visible to the left.

If you wish to view the image in more detail, click here.

Spacecraft departure to air on NASA TV

(The departure of a previous Progress vehicle – Photo Credit: NASA)

NASA Television will provide live coverage of the departure of the ISS Progress 53, an unpiloted Russian cargo vehicle, from the International Space Station on Monday 9th June.

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