Expedition 40 astronauts conduct interviews onboard the International Space Station

(Wiseman and Swanson – Photo Credit: NASATV)

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman and Steve Swanson have taken time out of their busy schedules to talk to students, and the media, back on Earth. If you didn’t catch the interviews live, then they are available to watch below.

In this video, Steve and Reid talk to students in San Diego live from space. Although astronauts commonly get asked the same stereotypical questions during these types of events, they are more than happy to speak at length to the children and demonstrate some zero gravity tricks.


Below, German astronaut Alexander Gerst speaks to German media outlets. The geophysicist-turned-astronaut talks about the world cup, living in space and some unusual dreams he experienced sleeping in zeroG. Although in German, real-time English translation is provided.


Finally, Expedition 40 Flight Engineer Reid Wiseman, a native of Maryland, discusses social media, his life and work in space as well as the progress of his research activities on the space station with the NBC “Today Show” and WJZ-TV, Baltimore.

For more great videos about, and from, the ISS, you can follow NASA on Youtube

[All videos credit to NASA]

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