International Space Station’s 90-minute orbit captured in 50 second video

(Photo Credit: ESA/Alexander Gerst)

It takes around 90 minutes for the International Space Station to complete one orbit of the Earth, passing from day to night and then back again. However, European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst captured this spectacular timelapse video of the station completing the process in under one minute. Continue reading

Image of the Day: 16/9/14

(Photo Credit: Oleg Artemyev/Roscosmos)

Before departing the International Space Station, Expedition 40 Flight Engineer Oleg Artemyev managed to capture a number of final photographs from space, including this spectacular shot of Earth, an aurora and a sky full of stars as seen from the ISS during orbital night-time. Continue reading

Timelapse video of Earth captured by ESA astronaut aboard the International Space Station

(Photo Credit: ESA/Youtube)

The European Space Agency have created this spectacular timelapse video from images taken by ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst who is currently orbiting Earth on the International Space Station.  Continue reading

X-class flare erupts from the Sun and heads straight for Earth

 (The X1.6 class solar flare is pictured erupting in the middle of the sun – Photo Credit: NASA/SDO)

Another extreme solar storm is set to strike after an active sunspot five-times the diameter of Earth erupted with both an X 1.6 flare and a smaller coronal mass ejection. The explosive X 1.6 flare lasted longer than usual and sent out a significant burst of radiation into space, creating a geomagnetic storm that could affect radio communications and power systems in the next couple of days. Continue reading

Images of the Day: 22/8/14

(Photo Credit: Reid Wiseman/NASA)

A couple of nights ago, the International Space Station was flying near North America when it passed over a dazzling aurora. On board, NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman captured some gorgeous images of the dancing lights from his unique vantage point. Continue reading

Image of the Day: 4/8/14

(Photo Credit: Alexander Gerst/ESA)

European Space Agency astronaut Alexander Gerst has been living and working on the International Space Station for 70 days, and recently got the opportunity to answer a long standing question.

“I had always been curious – is Earth blue even at night…? She is!” Gerst commented on his Twitter account.
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