Doubts emerge over ground-breaking big bang theory

(The centre of our Milky Way – Photo Credit: NASA/CXC/UMass Amherst/Q.D.Wang et al)

Scientists who claimed to have found a pattern left in the sky, by the rapid expansion of space just fractions of a second after the Big Bang, admit they are now less confident of their results.  Continue reading

Hubble reveals small dwarf galaxies massively contributed to formation of our universe’s stars

(Image Credit: NASA and ESA)

New observations from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have shown that small dwarf galaxies are responsible for forming a large proportion of the universe’s stars. Continue reading

Hubble captures the most colourful picture of our universe to date

(Photo Credit: NASA/ESA/Caltech/STScI/Arizona State University)

Composed during 841 orbits of telescope viewing time, astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have assembled the most comprehensive and colourful picture of the evolving universe.

Approximately 10 000 galaxies, extending back to ones created within a few hundred million years of the Big Bang, are visible.

The image was taken as part of a study called the Ultraviolet Coverage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UVUDF) project.

The patch of sky in this image has been studied previously in a series of visible and near-infrared exposures taken from 2004 to 2009 in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field project

However with recent advancements, ultraviolet light was able to be captured and now the full range of colours available to the Hubble are detectable in this image.

This picture is among the most colorful deep space images ever taken by the 24-year-old telescope.