Gaia Space Observatory detects its first supernova

(Artist’s impression of a Type la supernova – Photo Credit: ESA)

While scanning the sky to measure the positions and movements of stars within the Milky Way, the Gaia Space Observatory discovered its first supernova. The cosmic explosion, known as Gaia14aaa, took place in a distant galaxy located 500 million light-years away, and was detected due to a sudden rise in the galaxy’s brightness between two Gaia observations separated by one month. Continue reading

Gaia Space Telescope ready to begin science observations

(Photo Credit: ESA/ESO/S. Brunier/ATG medialab)

Following a number of unexpected in-orbit challenges, the European Space Agency’s billion-star surveyor, the Gaia Space Telescope, has been given the green light to begin its mission. Continue reading

Gaia Space Telescope hit by micrometeoroids

(Artist’s impression of the Gaia satellite – Photo Credit: ESA/C. Carreau)

Scientists working with the European Space Agency’s Gaia Space Telescope have found that the spacecraft is being hit by micrometeoroids. The tiny specks of space dust were anticipated, however the telescope is being pelted with far more space debris than expected. Continue reading