Russia reports ‘sea plankton’ is living on the exterior of the International Space Station

(Photo Credit: NASA/Crew of STS-132)

A Russian official has claimed that samples collected by cosmonauts during a spacewalk have provided evidence that sea plankton, and other living micro-organisms, are present on the outside of the International Space Station. Continue reading

Expedition 40 astronauts conduct interviews onboard the International Space Station

(Wiseman and Swanson – Photo Credit: NASATV)

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst and NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman and Steve Swanson have taken time out of their busy schedules to talk to students, and the media, back on Earth. If you didn’t catch the interviews live, then they are available to watch below. Continue reading

NASA announces two upcoming undersea missions

(Aquanauts during NASA’s NEEMO 16 mission – Photo Credit: ESA/Herve Stevenin)

NASA has confirmed that they will conduct two missions on the ocean floor over the course of the summer. Aquanauts will participate in the NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) where underwater activities will produce valuable information for future International Space Station and space exploration missions. Continue reading

Image of the Day: 10/6/14

(Photo Credit: Reid Wiseman/NASA)

Living and working in micro gravity can be pretty hard. New crew arrivals often admit it takes them a couple of days to stop bumping into the walls of the International Space Station and hitting their floating limbs on the fixtures and instruments.

However, it can prove to be incredibly useful. Continue reading