First medium sized black hole discovered in Messier 82

(An image of the Messier 82 galaxy showing the medium sized black hole M82 X-1 in the inset – Photo Credit: NASA/H. Feng et al)

For the first time, scientists have measured the mass of a medium sized black hole, confirming their highly debated existence. Continue reading

Chandra Observatory searches for the cause of nearby supernova

(Supernova SN 2014J – Photo Credit: NASA/SAO/CXC/R. Margutti et al)

NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory is helping determine what caused SN 2014J, one of the closest supernovas discovered in decades.

X-ray data, captured before and after the stellar explosion, has revealed information about the environment around the supernova, enabling scientists to learn more about the possible cause of the explosion.  Continue reading