Eight airports under consideration to becomes the first British spaceport

(Photo Credit: UK Space Agency)

The U.K. has taken a massive step towards establishing itself as a leader in the rapidly-expanding space industry by unveiling eight locations throughout England, Wales and Scotland that could host the nation’s first spaceport. Britain aims to become Europe’s leading space nation, and the government’s ambition to create a world-class U.K. spaceport by 2018 is bringing the country one step closer to it’s goal. Continue reading

British astronaut’s ISS mission named after Isaac Newton book

(Peake during EVA training – Photo Credit: NASA)

Major Tim Peake, a British astronaut who will travel to the International Space Station in 2015, has named his mission after a famous book by Sir Isaac Newton. The mission will be called Principia, referring to Newton’s book of mathematical principles, titled “Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica”, which set out the laws of motion and gravity more than 300 years ago. Continue reading

Soyuz rocket delivers first Scottish satellite safely into orbit

(A previous Soyuz launch – Photo Credit: Roscosmos)

A Russian Soyuz 2-1B rocket has successfully delivered two British satellites, including the first made in Scotland, into orbit. Continue reading